Is your child’s teacher
a danger to students?
An astounding number of teachers and educational staff across Washington State have been reprimanded or officially deemed “not safe” to be around our children following complaints and investigations. Parents rarely – if ever – hear about these violations.
School districts and the Superintendent of Public Instruction have a moral, if not legal, obligation to alert families their children may have been at risk of abuse by a predator in their schools.
Through our decades of legal work and investigations, we’ve learned school districts rarely report to parents an educator has been disciplined for sexual misconduct, including having their license revoked.
Parents have a right to know.

As a public service, Darrell Cochran and his legal team have compiled a searchable database curated from public records so you can identify whether your children were in contact with a potential predator or otherwise dangerous teacher or staff member.
We encourage you to explore this database, and reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or information regarding threats to your children.
Through our work we seek to:
- Raise awareness of dangers lurking in our schools
- Provide parents with the information they need to keep their kids safe
- Hold schools and districts accountable
- Push for constant vigilance and policies to prevent sexual abuse in our schools and PROTECT OUR CHILDREN

Search By:
Teacher/Administrator or School District
Contact Darrell Cochran
Reach out to Us
If you have any questions or have been a victim of abuse, please contact for a free consultation.
All names on this site and information contained on this site are public record with the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The names included on this web page include Washington State licensed educators who were suspended from teaching for some period of time or who had their teaching licenses revoked in their entirety. This list includes educators who pose a danger to students.
All individuals listed have gone through the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction investigation process and found to have been involved in unprofessional conduct and/or lack good moral character. The orders determining suspension or revocation were issued by the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction after consideration of the factors listed in Washington Administrative Code 181-87-060. These orders were issued because the OSPI “believes the interest of the state in protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of students, colleagues, and other affected persons is adequately served by a suspension.” WAC 181-87-070.
With regard to revocations, educators may have committed and been convicted of a felony or “the superintendent of public instruction has determined the education practitioner has committed an act of unprofessional conduct or lacks good moral character or personal fitness and revocation is appropriate.” WAC 181-87-075