Father Dennis Muehe

Father Dennis Muehe is one of the 79 names released by the Seattle Archdiocese who are confirmed abusers. According to the Catholic Church’s own criteria, Father Muehe has been deemed to be credibly accused of sexual abuse or misconduct. Father Muehe served at the St. Edward Seminary in Kenmore, Washington, from 1942-1954 and from there transferred to eight other assignments before his death.

The Seattle Archdiocese opened St. Edward Seminary in Kenmore, Washington around 1930. During its 46-years of operation, it developed dozens of pedophilic priests. Many of the priests who studied at and/or taught at St. Edward Seminary admitted to sexually abusing children or have been deemed credibly accused by the Seattle Archdiocese. It is a fact that 14 of the dozens of credibly accused priests from the Seattle Archdiocese’s 2016 List of Credibly Accused Clergy Members cycled through St. Edward Seminary.
SEMINARY OR Father Dennis Muehe
(253) 777-0798
Darrell Cochran and his team have filed a lawsuit against the Seattle Archdiocese, who repeatedly placed children in the care of sexual predators – like Father Muehe – who regularly molested and abused children while at the St. Edward Seminary.
Cochran is looking for individuals who were at the seminary while Father Muehe was there, during the 1942-1954 time period, or who came into contact with Father Muehe during his eight other subsequent placements by the Catholic Church including:
Who We Are

Darrell Cochran has won hundreds of cases and negotiated millions of dollars in settlements for his clients. He’s taken on and defeated some of the most powerful religious and youth organizations including the Catholic Church, Jesuits, Mormon Church, Boy Scouts and many other entities for his clients. He’s brought the fight for justice all the way to the US Supreme Court, and won. He’s also served as co-counsel – often taking the lead at trial in the courtroom – for attorneys across the country who’ve retained him to deliver victory in a wide range of cases.
If you or someone you know has been a victim of abuse, please contact Darrell at 253-777-0798 or email [email protected].