Cracking the Cases

Anatomy of the
Kiwanis/KVH Abuse CASES

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It took years of exhaustive investigative and legal work by Darrell Cochran and his legal team to uncover overwhelming evidence of horrendous child sexual and physical abuse at the Kiwanis Vocational Home in Southwest Washington. The fight has been long, but resulted in settlements for clients with Kiwanis and Washington State totaling nearly $120 million to date (and counting.)

Like legal archaeologists, Cochran and his team painstakingly dug for and unearthed the horrible truth about KVH, one piece at a time – despite intense efforts by a cast of conspirators hellbent on hiding the truth. The previously hidden letters, reports, photos and other evidence bring into focus over a decade of widespread child abuse and financial corruption we proved to have been widely known by Kiwanis and the state of Washington.

KVH 3D Walkthrough

3D animation of Kiwanis Vocational Home

Created by Cochran legal team for use in litigation against Kiwanis and Washington State.

The proof is overwhelming.  As some of the lawsuits brought on behalf of long-suffering clients conclude, many have asked to see at least some of the damning evidence.  And they’ve asked how the Cochran team found and assembled all of the pieces needed to complete the puzzle.

We’ve curated some of the key documents, photos, depositions, 3D video renderings and other elements vital to our success on this special web page.  We encourage you to explore this exclusive content to learn more about the deplorable people, abuses, malfeasance, neglect and incompetence that destroyed the lives of dozens of young boys.

Inside the Kiwanis Group Home in the 1980’s and 1990’s

Sample of the Key Documents Identifying Horrific Circumstances
at Kiwanis Vocational Home

Letter From School District re: Staff Member Investigated for Physical Abuse
Letter From School District re: Staff Member Investigated for Physical Abuse
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Letter Re: Report of McCarthy improper Touching
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Confidential Memo re: Threatening Letter
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Memo re: conspiracy to hide info about KVH
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Memo From Governor’s Office Re: Anonymous Phone Call
Letter Re: KVH Board Negligence
Letter Re: KVH Board Negligence
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Memo investigating sexual & Physical abuse, destruction &
Misuse of State funds
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Kiwanis magazine
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
State of Objectives for KVH
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
KVH Investigative Report:
Allegations of sexual abuse, Providing drugs to residents & Misappropriation of funds
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Letter from former KVH physician
To Kiwanis Board of Directors re:
Unqualified staff to handle medical needs
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Sworn testimony of
Sexual abuse victim in
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Memo From McCarthy
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Photos of staff at KVH
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Daily Chronicle Article
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Memo Re: Incident Report
Memo Re: Incident Report
Performance Audit of DCFS
DSHS Performance Audit of KVH, September 1984
Performance Audit of DCFS
Performance Audit of DCFS
Identified by Kiwanis Members in Chehalis to Kiwanis Youth Services Headquarters
Identified by Kiwanis Members in Chehalis to Kiwanis Youth Services Headquarters
“Administration and Operation of [Kiwanis Vocational Home] Deterioriate” identified by Dr. Isaac Pope, Medical provider for on-campus residents
“Administration and Operation of [Kiwanis Vocational Home] Deterioriate” identified by Dr. Isaac Pope, Medical provider for on-campus residents
Admission of Negligence by Kiwanis Centralia Board to Kiwanis Board for Youth
Admission of Negligence by Kiwanis Centralia Board to Kiwanis Board for Youth
Anonymous report of sexual and physical abuse and fraud by Chuck McCarthy to State of Washington Governor’s Office
Anonymous report of sexual and physical abuse and fraud by Chuck McCarthy to State of Washington Governor’s Office
Letter Re: KVH Management Concerns
Letter Re: KVH Management Concerns
Memo Re: Staff Member Drinking
Memo Re: Staff Member Drinking
Letter Re: Withdrawing Kiwanis Name from KVH
Letter Re: Withdrawing Kiwanis Name from KVH
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Memo Re: Investigative Visit
Memo Re: Investigative Visit
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
DSHS 1990 Kiwanis Vocational Home Investigation 
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Memo Re: Committee Findings
Memo Re: Committee Findings
KPNW Investigative Report
KPNW Investigative Report
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Report of KVH Staff Member Drunk and on Drugs on the Job
DSHS investigates Kiwanis allegations of pedophile employees, fraud, destruction of records and abuse
DSHS investigates Kiwanis allegations of pedophile employees, fraud, destruction of records and abuse
KVH Staff Member Roster
Article: Audit Finds Boy’ Home Overbilled State
Article: Audit Finds Boy’ Home Overbilled State
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements
Article: Director Leaving Kiwanis Facility
Anatomy of the Kiwanis/KVH Abuse settlements


Sworn Testimony

Chuck McCarthy - KVH Executive Director Video

Chuck McCarthy/KVH Executive Director

Admits to taking the phone from child who was on a 911 call reporting his abuse to the sheriff. 

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Testifies to expressing concerns when Halvorsen kept working at KVH after physically assaulting a child

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Cornwell denies accusations by McCarthy that he was the one recruiting sexual offenders to KVH

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Cornwell – DSHS did not talk to him about 12 reports of abuse against him, 5 substantiated –

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Cornwell – employees providing -counseling- with no training

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Cornwell – Concerns about no employee background checks

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

KVH didn’t want misconduct reported

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Cornwell – Kiwanis charged extra for exceptional kids, didn’t provide support

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Cornwell – teachers don’t meet minimum qualifications

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Cornwell concerned about boys working off campus

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Cornwell reports abuse of child

Guy Cornwell - KVH Staff

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Cornwell – Kids didn’t belong in Group Home, reports of sexual acting out

Cornwell - Kiwanis-McCarthy falsified records

Guy Cornwell/KVH staff

Kiwanis-McCarthy falsified records